“If the foundation is firm,
the building can withstand calamities.
The practice of Yoga is the foundation,
so that the Self is not shaken under any circumstances.”
— B.K.S.Iyengar

Class levels


This class focuses on classical standing poses, seated poses, inversions, and relaxation poses.  It is the perfect choice for students new to Iyengar yoga or for students looking to build a stronger foundation in their practice. The poses that are learned in this class are a necessary foundation and it is recommended that students stay at this level for at least ten weeks. We have ongoing beginner class, For beginner level you can also join Align and grow.

Level I/II

This class is for students well practiced in foundational postures.  At this level, students will expand on foundational postures and refine and develop their yoga asana practice at more subtle levels. Students at this level are strongly encouraged to practice regularly at home to fuel and support their understanding of the refinements taught in class. This class continues to focus on the basic alignment of the standing poses and introduces a broader range of sitting poses, twists, forward and back extensions and inversions.

 Align with NOW ~ I/II

This is mixed level class open to those with at least 6 months of experience in yoga practice, and those familiar with Iyengar yoga practice. Inversions are practiced and alternatives provided, so it is not required that students practice full head and shoulder balance.

Align and Grow Level II

Students are practicing and familiar with all foundational asana from level 1, minimum two years of practice of Iyengar Yoga is encouraged.In this class head and shoulder balance are practiced and alternatives are always provided.

In all classes students will be provided with alternatives and their body and spirit alert. All are welcome.


Let your teacher know what your level of yoga experience and physical condition(s) are so (s)he may assist with modifications or adjustments.